1966 Regulations

If any one has a copy of the 1966 Supplementary Regulations we would love to hear from you!

It is probably the case that the 1966 regulations were substantially the same as the 1967 Regulations.

Vehicle Eligibility

Vehicles had to be roadworthy and two-wheel drive with at least 1000 units produced in a year, or recognised by CAMS as Group D or E, which generally aligned with the FIA 2 Touring Car category. All vehicles were allowed to be fitted with a roll bar (although this was not compulsory except for convertibles), a laminated windscreen, extra lights, under body protection, extra fuel tanks etc.

The Standard Category, which aligned with FIA Group 2 (Production Touring Cars), only allowed limited further modifications such as tyres (standard rims), carburetter jet sizes and reboring up to 0.040 inches.

The Modified Category, which aligned with FIA Group 5 (Special Touring Cars), allowed significant further mechanical modification except that the engine must be from the same manufactuer and have the same number of cyliners and configuration.

All vehicles had to carry a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and seat belts.

The results indicate that the same classes were used as in 1967, namely with Standard and Modified Categories and 4 capacity classes within each category.

Timing and Scoring

Certainly timing was to the minute except on Special Stages where the route instructions indicate that one-sixth minute (10 second) timing was used with a point per 10 seconds (six times the rate on normal sections). However, media reports and people's recollections are that quarter minite timing was used! No special sections were to be conducted in Victoria due to a ruling from the Victorian State Council of CAMS, although there were special stages around Bethanga, which IS in Victoria! Because of the significant number of special stages on the final night, the results were almost guaranteed to be wide open until then.